This day is the same as yesterday except i found a meditation cd that works with your chakras. It is guided practices to activate the energy of awakening.
Kundalini Meditation: Guided Chakra Practices to Activate the Energy of Awakening
. It explores your life force energy known as kundalini - and how to use it to unleash your highest potential. It explores your eight chakras and how they manifest specific behaviors in the physical world. Communicating from your upper chakras for improved clarity and understanding. An eight - chakras meditation designed to remove negative energies and amplify positive ones. I am hoping this new technique will teach me to focus, to be disciplined and will remove negative energies surrounding the lotto, winning money and being instantly rich (which you and i know there has been nothing 'instant' about it lol). Wish me luck!
I been on an emotional roller-coaster this week and I feel quite tender as my son is back in my life and it has brought up all kinds of thoughts and emotions for us and whilst it is awesome i find i am focusing on him and the past instead of my goal which will make our life better when i achieve it, so i need to keep the faith and remain focused on my goal whilst working on my relationship with my son.
What an important lesson to learn - to still go for your dreams whilst being present and attending to the people in your life.
To winning multi-millions x
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