One more sleep to go!
I feel excited and happy because of the new information I have received -
- Each time I visualise, say my affirmations, meditate on winning and other methods I have employed to achieve my goal, I am actually knocking on the door to win, so I will keep persisting!
- Love is the answer. Feel overwhelming love for yourself and for what you want in your life.
- Feel good, every second of everyday and you will be aligned with what you want in life.
- I spoke to a friend about winning the lotto and she is going for it too, a lesser amount then me but there is plenty to go around!
- I feel excited, imagining my win, what I will put up as my Facebook status and working out what I will do now I am a multi-millionaire!
- I started reading (again) The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
by Eckhart tolle
- I started reading (again) The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
I watched a YouTube piece on how to raise your vibration on Facebook today -
- forgive
- meditate
- let go
- now!
- life force
- flow
- allow
- surrender
- enter silence
- gratitude
- appreciation
- move your body
- dance
- exercise
- sing
- spend time in nature
- take care of yourself
- laugh
- music - uplifting and inspiring
- help others
- clear space, receptive to new energies
- you can choose your vibrational state and vibrational offering
- you are the creator of your own experience
- what frequency are you on?
- what you give out, you give back
- you attract and manifest that which is a vibrational match and bring into your experience
- energy - vibration - frequency
- what you think and feel matters
- High vibration;
- love
- joy
- gratitude
- appreciation
- peace
- pure consciousness
- What do you choose right now?
- You are loved in so many ways
- You are love
To manifesting millions xxx
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