- just pretend and feel it
- imagine it as you do and it will become your reality - ffnet
- It is what you cling to too tightly or feel needy towards will move away from you or slip from your grip. Open your hand to instead RECEIVE. Relinquish fear and a need to control. Ironically, letting go can be the best way to hold on.- Denise Gladwell
- In letting go you can only ever win, if something's for your best it will come back, if not something better will!- Denise Gladwell
- Negiat Taher
Trust that the universe has your back. It wants the very best for you ever and always. - LuAn Mitchell
- When we accept what is happening to us as at the present moment as part of a grander plan needed for our growth, we experience a new freedom ღ♥ღ Irene Malek
-Check this out! It is amazing.http://www.thepoweroflovemovie.com/ and get your free poster with all the words after you have watched the film. This is what Rhonda Byrne is talking about in The Secret: The Power
- it is all about LOVE.
- As we approach the new year, it's time to switch from an old way of thinking to a new way
- Free five chapters of the book A Bug Free Mind - it is AWESOME! Check it out at http://blog.abugfreemind.com/
This has been a great and inspired day, when all the information I need to get me to where i want to be, revealed itself to me today and I feel so blessed.
To manifesting millions xx
To manifesting millions xx
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