Sunday, 5 December 2010

Day 4

think like a millionare,money magnet,millionaire mind

Lots and lots has happened today!

I finished reading the Three Keys to Fortune. If you have not downloaded your free copy of this life - changing book - do it NOW!

I watched a dvd called How to get a bigger bite out of life by Robert Foddoul - it is free from QC seminars.
- Save 10% of all that comes into your hand
- Have wealthy beliefs and positive beliefs about money
- Learn how to handle money
- 80/20 principle
- Richest man in Babylon
- Luck = laboring under correct conditions
- Le Petit Prince "It is only the heart that one can see rightly what is invisible to the eye - Antonie de Saint - Expupery
- Anthony Robbins
- The Law of Cause and Effect
- Invest in yourself
- Accept responsibility to get the life you want (key word today 'responsibility')
- Make your word law in the universe - you say something and it happens i.e; money comes to me easily and effortlessly (affirmation not in dvd)
- Put purpose into your life
- Think of yourself as a business, approach life differently, different thing's will happen to you and you see life differently as your focus will be different.
- Know what you want and know your outcome which is what you want.
- Balanced life, give time to each area of your life
- SMARTS goals;
             - Specific
             - Measurable
             - Act as if NOW
             - Rewarding Reasons
             - Time frame
- Smile
- Gratitude
- Give thanks for all you have now
- Does not matter where you start as it all starts NOW. All life is, is a series of NOW's connecting. You have not wasted anything - you are here NOW!
- Take action, have a plan, prioritize, organize, perform it, do whatever it takes and hang in there - it will happen!
- Open your prosperity consciousness
- Turn dreams to reality.
- Develop right attitude and learn the secrets of the mind.
- Think something that does not appear in your reality.
- Think thought inside mind independent of what you think your reality is..
- We live in two worlds - inner and outer.
- Start with inner world first and then it manifests in outer world - you manifest things from within and then it comes outside.
- Law of Gravity.
- Send and receive information - mind, emotions ..
- Law of Attraction
- Law of Control
- Law of insertion
- Law of connection
- Law of exclusion
- FEAR = false evidence appearing real
      - 90% of what we fear does not happen
       - 7% of our fears we can change
       - 3% of our fears we can do nothing about they are bad luck, cannot do anything about, accept it and move on, imagine all the time you can save from accepting this instead of worrying, being anxious and fearful about things
- Step out of comfort zone immediately into your new comfort zone
- Take massive action one step at a time - that is a paradox
- Bill Gates - people overestimate what they can do in the short term and underestimate what they can do in the long term
- Your level of wealth will be determined by the quality of your choices - George Foddoul
- What is in your future? Look at your past, do a flip and that is your future UNLESS you DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT TODAY!!
- The people you meet, the books you read and the seminars you attend are the difference between now and five years time.

There is lots of great information in this FREE dvd which can be found at plus they are offering a 4 day NLP certification for only $97!! Yes, I am attending in March 2011 - Woop Woop!!

 I read a little of The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

I read some of You Own the Power by Rosemary Altea.

I went to sleep listening to Louise L Hay in order to work on my subconscious beliefs dealing with low self esteem, lack of confidence, low self worth and deserving and other negative patterns in my subconscious mind.

I researched universal laws at
'Within all of us lies the potential to achieve what ever we choose.
It is us who prevents it ... all it takes to resolve, is personal responsibility and courage !!' 

I found

As part of the Secrets of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires

the following are some of the thoughts and beliefs constantly running through 

the minds of the super rich:

- Money is good

- Having lots of money is great

- With money I can help lots of people

- Lots of money mean freedom for me

- It is real easy and fun for me to make money

- Making lots of money comes easily to me

- I make money with great facility
- I am a money magnet

- I always have more money than I need

- I love making money

- I enjoy learning how to make money

- I enjoy learning how to manage my money

- I enjoy saving money instead of wasting it in 
  instant gratification and items that don't give me a
   solid return for my money

- I love learning how to invest my money

- Making lots of money feels real great

- Making lots of money is real important for me

- Having lots of money has a high priority in my life

- Having lots of money is my destiny.

As the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires keep entertaining these thoughts
and beliefs, their Subconscious minds automatically FOCUS on money and making lots
of money. They literally become magnets to money and their minds are constantly
looking for new and better ways to make more and more money
think like a millionaire,get rich,millionaires,millionaire,secrets of the millionaires,
millionaire mind,make money fast,money magnet


The Law of Life is the Law of Belief, also known as the universal Law of 
Attraction. "Whatever YOU deeply believe, YOU will sooner or later 
materialize as your physical reality". 

The super rich ONLY believe in success, abundance, prosperity, wealth,
riches, millions of dollars. They ONLY think in terms of success. They 
NEVER think in terms of failure. They have that coveted Millionaire Mind
And the universal Law of Attraction gives them EXACTLY what they believe: 
success, abundance, prosperity, wealth, riches, millions of dollars!

They cannot get poorer and they cannot be poor because they do not believe 
in any financial lack or limitation. They can only become RICHER because 
they believe in RICHES. That's the power of the Millionaire Mind.

In sharp contrast to these super rich people, look at what the poor people
believe: lack, limitation, scarcity, poverty, more lack and  more financial 

The poor people can only become POORER because they do NOT believe in 
RICHES. The way they believe and think all day long is astronomically 
opposed to the way the super rich believe and think all day long.

The poor are constantly thinking on not having enough to survive until the 
end of the month, and in their minds they already imagine all sorts of 
future events where they continue experiencing lack and all sorts of
financial limitations.

The super rich are constantly thinking on ways and means to increase the
wealth and riches they already possess. And they constantly rehearse all 
sort of FUTURE successes in their minds.

The universal Law of Attraction gives to each of these two groups TWO
 completely different results. But there is a COMMON denominator.

The answer is very simple: the COMMON denominator is that each group
is receiving from Life, the Universe, EXACTLY what they BELIEVE.

The rich believe in getting RICHER and they DO! That is the power of
the Millionaire Mind.

The poor believe in more financial struggles, lack  and limitation and they
get POORER! That's the LACK of the Millionaire Mind.

And there is something else that  ALL of you (or MOST of you) are NOT
seeing as part of the message above.

Each group behaves, takes actions and get results in PERFECT harmony 
with what they BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

This is another aspect of the universal Law of Attraction that MOST humans
do NOT understand:

         What YOU do, how YOU behave and the results YOU get depend
         EXCLUSIVELY on what you BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

Pondering - does it help to get my head around winning multi-millions by applying the money into my everyday life and feeling abundant? 

I still have a block on the belief area in my mind. 

I am a winner
I have won multi-millions in the lotto
I have won x amount in the lotto on 31.12.10
I love having money to have, be and do all that i want in life.

I imagine the seeing the amount in my bank account.

I pondered buying all the thing's my son wants as soon as they become available, buying presents for my friends, buying lots of books, dvd's, fridge and cupboard items and thing's for the house ...
I have to break through. I have to win the lotto on 31.12.10. I just have too!!

How can i break through my limiting beliefs?
How can i convince myself that i have won?
How can i take a risk which seems like a jump into the winners circle and believe, without a doubt, that i have won it?

It seems so easy to do - just believe with all your heart and soul that you have won and it will manifest in the physical world but if it was that easy why do i have all the gunk surrounding the new beliefs?

How do I believe that i have won within so it manifests without?

To our winning millions x

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