Today has been interesting in creating the right mindset and heartset to attract multi-millions into my life.
I prayed 'i pray i win multi-millions in the lotto' over and over again.
I opened my arms to the heavens and said let me win big in the lotto. Give me a big win.
I proclaimed that it will be an AWESOME year to have a house (received), my son (working on) and to win multi-millions in the lotto. Please make it so universe.
When I spoke to my son after not hearing from him for over 18months, I felt like I had won the lotto! Tears streaming down face, heart full of love, excitement, shock, surprise, felt so amazed and blessed. Torn between jumping up and down and crying with relief. So, I did both!
Read some of Wayne Dyer's Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life
today and it was full of great information on how to be as i journey towards winning multi-millions in the lotto. It is a great book on the spiritual and metaphysical journey.
I searched magnetizing money and found lots of good resources. Look below.
Creating Money by Magnetizing Yourself to It
One of the aspects of wealth creation is the process of magnetizing yourself to money.Magnetization is the pure act of working with your energy field which is your feeling and mental state. You can work on all the other aspects of wealth creation such as selling ability, business system and product appeal, but the great difference can come when you work on the magnetization aspect. Magnetization literally pulls in many ways by which money can come to you. That is to work on the etheric realm of creation.
To magnetize money to you, you must believe yourself to be a magnet. Energy flows where attention goes. It is your mind that shapes and directs the universal energy. Everything is fundamentally universal energy manifested in different forms. Money is also a form of energy, and you can manipulate the flow of money in your life through the process of directing universal energy. Whatever you mentally link the universal energy towards, you will be manipulating that thing in mind. Use your mind to manifest.
Magnetizing Money
What would it be like to be a money magnet and to actually attract a lot of
money? How would it be different? What would it FEEL like?
Here are some of the answers most people might say:
• I would be a lot happier if I had more money
• You have to work hard to have a lot of money
• Money doesn’t come easy
• The more money I make the more I spend
• Money doesn’t grow on trees
• Money is the root of all evil
• People who have a lot of money are greedy
And so on……..
Did you know that these types of thoughts are exactly what have been
keeping money away from them and possibly from you too? Your thoughts
draw to you, by the law of attraction, exactly what you believe to be true.
What you focus on you attract.
Everything is energy and money is just another form of energy. So, how are
you managing your energy when you think, talk and act about money?
Managing your thoughts, feelings and actions are the secret to your success
of having more money flow into your life. You have to manage all of them!
When you think about money how does it make you feel? When you speak
about money what do you normally talk about, your abundance of it or your
lack of it? When money leaves your hand or you write a check out to
someone, do you do it from a place of abundance or lack? Start becoming
aware of how you FEEL about money during the course of your day to day
life. When you FEEL GOOD you are magnetizing money to you, if you feel
bad you are repelling it away.
To help you balance out your thoughts a little more, write in a journal this
month some POSITIVE thoughts about the subject of money. Then, write
down some FUN ways to bring more of it into your life. Once you begin to
shift your thoughts and feelings about money in a more positive direction,
you can then take some action steps toward your goal of getting what you
want. Your actions will come from a place of wanting to instead of having
to. Actions that come from a place of FEELING GOOD really put the pedal
to the medal and propel you forward even faster toward your goal!
Go forth and PROSPER!
Leslie Bishop, of Empowering Pathways, Universal Laws Life Coaching, is
a Certified Empowerment Coach and author of “Congratulations, You Have
Cancer!” If you are interested in personal or group coaching please contact
Leslie at or visit her website at
Great article on magnetizing money -
Another site is
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