Monday, 6 December 2010

Day 6

Today has been interesting in creating the right mindset and heartset to attract multi-millions into my life.
I prayed 'i pray i win multi-millions in the lotto' over and over again. 
I opened my arms to the heavens and said let me win big in the lotto. Give me a big win.
I proclaimed that it will be an AWESOME year to have a house (received), my son (working on) and to win multi-millions in the lotto. Please make it so universe.
When I spoke to my son after not hearing from him for over 18months, I felt like I had won the lotto! Tears streaming down face, heart full of love, excitement, shock, surprise, felt so amazed and blessed. Torn between jumping up and down and crying with relief. So, I did both!

Read some of Wayne Dyer's Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life today and it was full of great information on how to be as i journey towards winning multi-millions in the lotto. It is a great book on the spiritual and metaphysical journey.

I searched magnetizing money and found lots of good resources. Look below.

Creating Money by Magnetizing Yourself to It

Posted by Enoch Tan
One of the aspects of wealth creation is the process of magnetizing yourself to money.Magnetization is the pure act of working with your energy field which is your feeling and mental state. You can work on all the other aspects of wealth creation such as selling ability, business system and product appeal, but the great difference can come when you work on the magnetization aspect. Magnetization literally pulls in many ways by which money can come to you. That is to work on the etheric realm of creation.
To magnetize money to you, you must believe yourself to be a magnet. Energy flows where attention goes. It is your mind that shapes and directs the universal energy. Everything is fundamentally universal energy manifested in different forms. Money is also a form of energy, and you can manipulate the flow of money in your life through the process of directing universal energy. Whatever you mentally link the universal energy towards, you will be manipulating that thing in mind. Use your mind to manifest.

Magnetizing Money 
What would it be like to be a money magnet and to actually attract a lot of 
money?  How would it be different?  What would it FEEL like? 
Here are some of the answers most people might say: 
• I would be a lot happier if I had more money 
• You have to work hard to have a lot of money 
• Money doesn’t come easy 
• The more money I make the more I spend 
• Money doesn’t grow on trees 
• Money is the root of all evil 
• People who have a lot of money are greedy 
And so on…….. 
 Did you know that these types of thoughts are exactly what have been 
keeping money away from them and possibly from you too?  Your thoughts 
draw to you, by the law of attraction, exactly what you believe to be true.  
What you focus on you attract. 
Everything is energy and money is just another form of energy.  So, how are 
you managing your energy when you think, talk and act about money?   
Managing your thoughts, feelings and actions are the secret to your success 
of having more money flow into your life.  You have to manage all of them! 
When you think about money how does it make you feel?  When you speak 
about money what do you normally talk about, your abundance of it or your 
lack of it?   When money leaves your hand or you write a check out to 
someone, do you do it from a place of abundance or lack?  Start becoming 
aware of how you FEEL about money during the course of your day to day 
life.  When you FEEL GOOD you are magnetizing money to you, if you feel 
bad you are repelling it away.   
To help you balance out your thoughts a little more, write in a journal this 
month some POSITIVE thoughts about the subject of money.  Then, write 
down some FUN ways to bring more of it into your life.  Once you begin to 
shift your thoughts and feelings about money in a more positive direction, 
you can then take some action steps toward your goal of getting what you 

want.  Your actions will come from a place of wanting to instead of having 
to.  Actions that come from a place of FEELING GOOD really put the pedal 
to the medal and propel you forward even faster toward your goal!   
Go forth and PROSPER! 
Leslie Bishop, of Empowering Pathways, Universal Laws Life Coaching, is 
a Certified Empowerment Coach and author of “Congratulations, You Have 
Cancer!”  If you are interested in personal or group coaching please contact 
Leslie at or visit her website at

Great article on magnetizing money -

Another site is

Magnetizing What You Wantby Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
excerpted from Creating Money with the publisher's permission

Drawing the objects, forms, money, and people you want into your life is easier when you work with energy and magnetism before you take action. Creating with energy is done by getting quiet and relaxed, and then bringing images, symbols, and pictures of what you want into your mind. Magnetizing what you want requires generating a magnetic force to draw things to you.
You work with energy and magnetism all the time, though usually not consciously. You can learn to consciously work with energy and magnetism to amplify the power of your thoughts and create what you are picturing. A few moments of energy work, combined with magnetism and done with a sense of clarity about what you want, can create greater results than hours of hard work.
You are sending out an energy broadcast all the time. This broadcast may be attracting or repelling things you want. You can learn to increase your skill at magnetizing and become even more attractive to what you want. You start magnetizing what you want by working with your energy; learn to relax, focus, visualize, and use your imagination.
Magnetizing involves generating a magnetic field. The image of a magnetic coil is used to help you visualize and feel this magnetism. You can magnetize money, small or large objects, and indefinite things such as qualities and essence. You can also draw people to you who you will have a working relationship with, such as employers, employees, publishers, mechanics, and so on. You cannot use magnetism to change another person or force something to happen that is not in the best interests of both parties, for magnetism works only to draw those things to you that are in the best interests of all concerned.
Creativity, inventiveness, playfulness, and spontaneous imagination are your best tools when creating with energy. Every time you do magnetism exercises, you will notice that you have different thoughts, feelings and ideas. Manifestation is a dynamic state; it is always changing. The intensity of your magnetism and your pictures may not be the same from one time to the next. Use and expand your imagination, and play with whatever images and feelings come up. The feeling of magnetism is more important than any of the individual steps. Once you experience this feeling, recreate it with any visualization or picture that works for you.
There are some basic principles to becoming more magnetic to what you want:
*First, it is best if you know how what you are asking for will be the appropriate expression for whatever higher quality you want to express more frequently in your life. As you magnetize something, think of the quality you want to radiate.
*Second, it is helpful to magnetize the essence or features of what you want as well as the specific form. You can magnetize a symbol of what you want if you don't know its actual form. Symbols are very powerful because they bypass all your thoughts and beliefs about what you think is possible for you to have.
*Third, ask for what you want or even more.
*Fourth, love and intend to have what you are asking for. You will want to think positively of what you want, for high, positive thoughts are more magnetic than worry, fear, and tension.
*Fifth, believe that what you are asking for is possible to have.
*Sixth, it is important not to need what you are calling to you but rather to have a certain detachment about it. Let it be all right if it doesn't come, or if it comes in a different form from what you expect. After you have asked for something, surrender to whatever comes as being appropriate.

Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for more than twenty years. All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and growing their spirituality. Duane Packer has been channeling DaBen for many years, teaching people how to sense subtle energy and work with it to transform their reality. Both authors reside in Oregon. Their web site can be found at
The above is an excerpt from the book Creating Money, Copyright 1988, 2008 by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. It is printed here with permission of the publisher, H J Kramer/New World Library, Novato, CA. For more information, please seewww.orindaben.com

Creating Money: Magnetizing Yourself. Orin Meditations

The Law of Attraction In Action-How To Magnetize Your Heart's Desire

Magnetizing Money with a Lighter Look on Life

by ADMIN on SEPTEMBER 8, 2010
It is awesome to think that we are all  powerful creators and we are creating our realities with the vibration of Money in Your Handsour most prominent thoughts and feelings. We magnetize to ourselves the types of things and feelings that match our vibration. So pay attention. If you focus on lack and unpaid bills, you attract more of the same. If you focus on abundance and an amazing inflow of money, you likewise attract more of the same. Magnetizing  money, then, involves raising your vibration to create a free flow of money from others to you and from you to others. This is, of course, the law of attraction in action and one of the most powerful keys to success!

The Light and Easy Way

As a creator, you can choose. Do you want magnetizing money to be tough or easy? If you choose ease, as we hope you do, your mission is to develop a lighter, more joyful, loving, and playful outlook on money. So let’s invent some money mind games that will help you to return to this playful perspective on money when needed.
Here are a few examples of money mind games to get your creative juices flowing.
When you receive a bill, tell yourself that twice as much money is coming back to you. This means that the more bills you receive, the better. We do this ourselves and it is amazing how enthusiastic you can be about receiving bills in the mail.
When you have the thought that something is not the way you would like it to be, imagine it in morphing into what you want. Imagine the shapes and sizes of things shifting before your eyes and have fun with it. You can apply this to the size of your paycheck, the size and location of your house, your car, or anything you want to create. Feel the excitement of having what you want at your command.
When you find yourself thinking or saying “I can’t afford it,” shift your thinking. In many cases, you may think you can’t afford something because that is what you heard repeatedly as a child. That doesn’t mean it’s true. This is a wonderful time to apply gratitude thinking. Expres gratitude for what you have and for what is coming your way (the thing you think you can’t afford). Notice how everything shifts.
If you notice yourself taking a tight grip on your money, find something you can do to playfully let some of it go. Having a tight grip on money creates a reality where others around you also have a tight grip on their money. Throw some quarters away; spend a bit more than you think you can; tip generously; put some money in the donation box at the grocery store. You can even imagine as you do these things that twice as much is coming back or even ten times as much. As you do this you will notice that letting go of money becomes simple and fun. You may even look forward to doing it!
We hope these ideas triggered your imagination and desire to have more fun with money. To make success strategies like these work in your life, you will need to customize with mind games you will enjoy playing when prominent thoughts of lack surface.

Three Simple Steps for Magnetizing Money

First, observe yourself. You probably already know some of the triggers for thoughts of lack and failure. You  could also carry a little pad of paper around you and write down where you notice thoughts interfering with thoughts of magnetizing money.
Second, set aside some time and create some mind games. When you’re ready, get yourself into a light frame of mind. Do something that makes you feel happy – dance, sing, play. Then, when you are feeling light and playful, sit down with your list and think of mind games to play in each situation.
Third, focus as you go about your day on playing your games. When you notice your vibrations lagging, pull one of the games out of your toy chest and play!
We hope these examples will provide some food for thought. You can also contribute to the cause by sharing your creative ideas here. You never know when your idea may be the exact thing that someone else may be waiting to hear.

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