Friday, 31 December 2010

Day 31

It is the day, where all dreams come true.
The lotto draw, the big one, is tonight, the one I have worked on winning since 2008, and have been sharing my journey with you this month.
I felt excited when I woke up, received some extra money in my account and spoke to a girlfriend about it which lifted my vibration as we were talking like we had won it - it was beautiful. I was excited as I went down to the newsagent to buy my ticket, wanted to it straight away but I was smoking so i thought i would go to the shops and then buy my ticket on the way back. Stopped in my tracks and thought what if i miss out by going to the shops and not buying it now and then thought i have the winning numbers so it won't matter if i do it now or later. I went to the shops and then came walking up the road and i saw the poster advertising the winning amount and i felt excited, heart opened and then a man walked in front of the sign and i felt annoyed so i moved so i was in line with the poster and then opened my heart to it, gave it a mental hug and felt so much love for it. I walked in to buy my ticket and realise that i did not know what ticket to fill in , so I waited patiently to ask the lady who was serving another customer. I felt relaxed and patient which is new for me as i always want to rush and hurry the process as i am normal scared, afraid and anxious but this time i thought as i waited while the other lady wondered what pack to buy, no need to buy the ticket as i have already won it - hehe. I filled in my numbers, quietly confident, thinking to myself as i went through the process and then i relaise that i only had 5 games and it did not cost much (first excited at how cheap it was to buy the ticket and then worried oh no what if i do not have enough and debated whether or not to buy more) and it did not feel right - 5 games so i thought i will do the numbers that i did when i first started my journey to winning the lotto and that felt right - 6 games. I asked my higher power for help and it seemed right so i proceeded to purchase my ticket. I felt excited, love (held the ticket to my heart to energise it with what i was feeling), thought taking a risk all my work is in this moment and i found it hard to let go, hesitated a moment and then said thankyou to the lady as i let go. Then there was a problem with the ticket and i panicked but i forgot to put down the day and then i panicked about that will it go through for tonight's game and then i relaxed and trusted that the lady knew what she was doing and let go again.
I felt overwhelmed with love. I felt like i had won. I had tears of joy running down my face when i got home and i really felt like i had won and i wanted to stay in that moment all day, for as long as i could. But, then doubt creeped in and then fear, and me not wanting to let go of the old life for the new life. I worried about telling people and then they take the ticket away for their own gain and then i thought if they do it does not matter as i am registered with the lotto commission and they know that i have won. I worried that i might die because i won the lotto and then you die - oh the irony. I then i thought the old way of life is dying and i will never be the same again or live the same way again - homeless, in debt, struggling, going without, not being able to provide all my son wants and all the things that i want, the stress, the anxiousness, the panic, the fear, the dread, the sick feeling in stomach, the negative running commentary of never having enough, coming from the opinion of others, caring more about what they think rather then what i think, going for something that people think is impossible and that i am crazy for going for it, swaying in the wind in with the things i do not want just to have them, instead of being solid and directing my path, not having the things i want but putting up with things just to have them in my life or to make do ... Even though I am grateful for all I have and all the wonderful changes occurring in my life i still had the old thinking creep in. But, not any more! The journey to winning has shown me that i am more powerful then i ever thought. That i can 'conceive, believe and achieve' - napoleon hill, the impossible. That is really possible when you focus on what you want, when you put the effort in, when you come from love, a sense of self and how you want to live your life, when you let go and trust all is working out perfectly, it does. 
But, as you can see I still have some inner work to do before I manifest millions in my life.
To manifesting millions xxx

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Day 30

One more sleep to go!

I feel excited and happy because of the new information I have received - 
- Each time I visualise, say my affirmations, meditate on winning and other methods I have employed to achieve my goal, I am actually knocking on the door to win, so I will keep persisting! 
- Love is the answer. Feel overwhelming love for yourself and for what you want in your life.
- Feel good, every second of everyday and you will be aligned with what you want in life.
- I spoke to a friend about winning the lotto and she is going for it too, a lesser amount then me but there is plenty to go around!
- I feel excited, imagining my win, what I will put up as my Facebook status and working out what I will do now I am a multi-millionaire!
- I started reading (again) The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart tolle

I watched a YouTube piece on how to raise your vibration on Facebook today -
- forgive
- meditate
- let go
- now!
- life force
- flow
- allow
- surrender
- enter silence
- gratitude
- appreciation
- move your body
- dance
- exercise
- sing
- spend time in nature
- take care of yourself
- laugh
- music - uplifting and inspiring
- help others
- clear space, receptive to new energies
- you can choose your vibrational state and vibrational offering
- you are the creator of your own experience
- what frequency are you on?
- what you give out, you give back
- you attract and manifest that which is a vibrational match and bring into your experience
- energy - vibration - frequency
- what you think and feel matters
- High vibration;
         - love
         - joy
         - gratitude
         - appreciation
         - peace
         - pure consciousness
- What do you choose right now?
- You are loved in so many ways
- You are love

To manifesting millions xxx

Day 29

I found Debbie Ford and Facebook and checked her out and went to her website Not only is it full of wonderful resources, there is a link to another site where you can do courses on Make yourself a money magnet and Money Karma which i paid only$1 each for an 8 week course. I am so excited and feel so blessed! I definitely recommend the make yourself a money magnet course. I also signed up for Debbie Ford's course on Overcoming Self-Sabotage for $10 plus I received bountiful bonuses. So excited!

I say my affirmations.

I work out what I will do with my winnings.

I work out who I will tell and why.

I work on feeling good now.

I work on opening my heart to allow what I want to come into my reality, as what you want is already inside of you.

"Knock on the door" came up in my Angel card reading tonight. So i imagined myself knocking on the lotto door lol. Then i read (in make yourself a money magnet) that each time you put into practice a technique, you are, in fact, knocking on the door of all you want and it will open up soon. So keep knocking because I am!

I also found a website on how to manifest a miracle (i forgot to write down address) he says;
- manifesting is easy and not hard work at all
- make your thoughts manifest into reality
- conscious awareness and knowledge of manifesting what you want by thinking about it
- correlation between your thoughts and what comes into your life
- what do you need to do to make your thoughts tangible?
- When you feel good, good things are attracted to you
- 1) Ask for what you want i.e. I want to win multi-millions in the lotto on 31.12.10
- 2) The universe answers your request. The law of attraction (universe) will begin to match up with what you have just asked for. So ask for more money and the universe lines up for you in your future experience.
- 3) You must become aligned with what it is you have been asking for and receive your stuff.
- becoming aligned with your desires means that you must be sending out a vibration - feelings/mood that is in harmony with what you asked for.
- To become aligned with your desires; 
1) Pretend you already have what you want. What you are doing is feeling as if you already achieved the desire. Visualise yourself in possession of what you want and feel it as if it is already here.
- 2) Feel good now = you are in alignment with everything you consider to be good.
- it is easy!
- You manifest everyday, in order to manifest stuff you do want you have to become deliberate about what you feel.
- You cannot be miserable and manifest multi-millions
- Bad moods escalate the amount of negative circumstances that are attracted to you.
- See yourself with what you want
- Get excited!
- Stay in alignment with desires = manifest all you want, all the time.
- On an everyday basis, do the techniques to remain aligned with desires and manifestation occurs
- Manifestation magnet
- Feel good all day and more good comes to you
- Manifestation comes to you by the emotion and feeling behind your words.
- Do not be attached to the outcome
- feel good=attract things you associate with being good.
- Visualise your desire to manifest, feels good but include your vibration the feelings that you do not currently have the desire in your life yet and it is counter-productive.
- You cannot want something and not include it into your vibration.
- Feel good with the purpose of feeling good.
- Find lots of different ways to feel good all day, everyday. It is worth it!
- Manifestation through multiple feel good processes used all throughout the day, you consistently increase the emotions you expand. As a result, manifestation of your thoughts occurs consistently and both immediately and in the long-term.

This information has helped me by solidifying the The Secret The Power teachings and I feel inspired that what I want, wants me too and I will use my energy and mind space to feel awesome in the now.

To manifesting millions xx

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Day 28

I am reading Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life (Gawain, Shakti) and it is amazing. The exercises are simple to do and you feel wonderful afterwards.

One exercise is to imagine your desire in a pink bubble and to set it free, "this symbolises that you are emotionally "letting go" of it. Now it is free to float around in the universe, attracting and gathering energy for its manifestation. There is nothing more you need to do". It was very freeing but I had a little doubt - was that it? Is that all I do? Awesome.

Rhonda Byrne says all we need to do is to feel good in this moment and all we want will come to us. So, I am working on that, all day and night. She also talks about love and how that make a difference to manifesting all we want to us. So, I am working on feeling love and attaching it to winning the lotto.

To manifesting millions xx


Day 27

Inspired messages today on my journey to receiving multi-millions in the lotto;

- just pretend and feel it
- imagine it as you do and it will become your reality - ffnet

- It is what you cling to too tightly or feel needy towards will move away from you or slip from your grip. Open your hand to instead RECEIVE. Relinquish fear and a need to control. Ironically, letting go can be the best way to hold on.- Denise Gladwell

- In letting go you can only ever win, if something's for your best it will come back, if not something better will!- Denise Gladwell

Negiat Taher
‎"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." Oprah Winfrey

Trust that the universe has your back. It wants the very best for you ever and always. - LuAn Mitchell

When we accept what is happening to us as at the present moment as part of a grander plan needed for our growth, we experience a new freedom ღ♥ღ Irene Malek

-Check this out! It is amazing. and get your free poster with all the words after you have watched the film. This is what Rhonda Byrne is talking about in The Secret: The Power - it is all about LOVE.

As we approach the new year, it's time to switch from an old way of thinking to a new way

- Free five chapters of the book A Bug Free Mind - it is AWESOME! Check it out at

Our life today is a result of the inner picture we have of ourselves. If we're still clinging to our past then we're choosing to allow it to reflect in our inner image. We can throw away the indenity of our past but letting go & pushing to be the person that God wants us to be~The image we can feel good about♥

‎"The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them." - Denis Waitley

‎"All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim; have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible." - Orison Swett Marden

This has been a great and inspired day, when all the information I need to get me to where i want to be, revealed itself to me today and I feel so blessed.

To manifesting millions xx

Day 26

Only 5 days to go ....

I put the lotto picture up on my computer desktop so I can look at it everyday.

I am reading The Secret: The Power by Rhonda Byrne.

I am saying my affirmations.

What to do, what to do next????

To manifesting millions xx

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Day 25

Merry Christmas! I hope that you all have a fabulous day filled with love, laughter, joy and happiness.

I say my affirmations today, meditate and read The Secret: The Power by Rhonda Byrne.

Have a fantastic day!

To manifesting millions x

Day 24

I say my affirmations.

I meditate.

I ask myself how can i make winning multi-millions more real to me, my heart and subconscious mind.

I read The Secret: The Power by Rhonda Byrne

It is a quiet day within as i struggle to make my dream a reality.

To manifesting millions x

Day 23

I imagined all the things that I would buy for the house today. It felt a bit odd, mentally but it also felt very exciting ... the thought 'what if it comes true' filled me with joy and anticipation. 

Getting over my mental comfort zone seems to be a problem, taking a leap of faith and believing on an unconscious level is where I am struggling.

I continue to read The Secret: The Power and it is helping me to move towards my goal. But when i was explaining it to my friend on a few occasions, she thought i was crazy and it stopped me in my tracks and caused me to doubt. Why do i care about the opinions of others who are not on this journey or starting to embark on the journey? Yes, some of the concepts are far-fetched when you start to explore them but then they make sense and change your life, and it is such a better way to live your life then the normal day to day existence.  


It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. - Muhammad Ali.

Money is neither my God nor my Devil. It is a form of energy which tends to make us more of who we are, whether it's greedy or loving.- Dan Millman.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% about how you respond to life.

I always operate out of Personal Power - Anthony Robbins.

You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions. - Adlin Sinclair.

If you expect the best, you will be the best. Learn to use one of the most powerful laws in this world; change your mental habits to belief instead of disbelief. Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing, you bring everything into the realm of possibility. - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

The moment that U recognize and realize the U hold the key 2 your greatness U begin to play in your very own field of infinite possibility.-  Paul Hoffman

Col. Sanders was 65 when he sold his first piece of chicken. What’s amazing is the fact that he was told no, 1009 times, before someone said yes. His secret recipe wasn't herbs and spices, it was determination. Sometimes our greatest asset is simply the ability to stay focused/determined longer than anyone else and change our approach along the way til we reach our goals. A different approach, different result.

Message from God
What you do today is important because you are exchanging a whole day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; and in its place will be something that you had left behind... let it be something good. 

What are your limitations? Whatever you think they are. You are the creator of your walls....and your doors.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Day 22

I brought copy of The Power by Rhonda Byrne today and it has a section on manifesting money and she talks about winning the lotto - yippee!!

In the Power Rhonda says ' You can see the law of attraction working when people win the lottery. They imagined and felt with all their heart that they wold win the lottery. They spoke about when they win the lottery, not if they win the lottery, and they planned and imagined what they will do when they won. And they won!' p. 152.

I have an endless supply of money
Money never runs out
I have an abundance of money
I have plenty of money
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly

I talk to my friends about what I will do with the money when I win multi-millions and it feels away from me - a mixture of hope, disbelief and I question myself, am I crazy to believe that I will win multi-millions? Is it really possible for me, to win multi-millions and have all my dreams come true? How do I breakthrough my mindset so I am believing with every inch of being that I am a multi-million? When is the law of attraction going to sink in to the point I am applying the law of attraction to my whole life, all the time?

After I wrote this, I checked my Facebook and found these words of wisdom by SmashFit
'You want..and want, and want, and want. But what are you doing differently to get it? Desire is only the first step in achieving, then you have to LET GO of what is. Let go of wrong choices, destructive thoughts, and holding-you back people. Your dreams won't magically happen doing exactly same things. The only way to arrive at your goal is to leave where you are.' Perfect.

To manifesting millions xx

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Day 21

Wow, what a day!

I have been saying affirmations and found some great resources to help me achieve my goal of winning multi-millions in the lotto.

 Free download of The Science of getting Rich.The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles - Including: The Science of Getting Rich, The Science of Being Great & The Science of Being Well

Free e-book Shhh, The Answers are Inside from

Free 4 videos on energy and business

Free Think & Grow Rich (I already own a paperback copy) and the secret law of attraction from

Sean Rasmussen Talks

To manifesting millions xx

Monday, 20 December 2010

Day 20

How do I have a breakthrough within my mind causing me to believe without a doubt that I have won multi-millions in the lotto?

How to breakthrough the old mindset (not winning and other negative beliefs) to new mindset (winner, won it in my mind and then it manifested in my reality)?

Reading You Own the Power: Stories And Exercises To Inspire And Unleash The Force Within and it is helpful to open my mind and continue on the spiritual path.

Lessons I am learning -
- patience
- trust that everything is happening in the right time-frame and everything is happening perfectly
- it is important to step out the day to day living and get to know yourself, to have space where you can just be yourself and meditate.
- belief in the impossible made possible
- thoughts are things - "whatever you can conceive, believe you will achieve" - Napoleon Hill

Lots to ponder and work out,

To manifesting millions xx

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Law of attraction quotes

You want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. - Joe Vitale

Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts. - Benjamin Disraeli

When you visualize, then you materialize. If you've been there in the mind you'll go there in the body. - Dr Denis Waitley

I will see it when I believe it. - Dr Wayne Dyer

Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve. - W. Clement Stone

What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts. - Brian Tracy

If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt Disney

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. - William James

Whatever you create in your life you must first create in your imagination. - Tycho Photiou

The law of abundance is that everything replicates after its own kind. Like is attracted to like. If you want more wealth, concentrate of wealth; think thoughts of abundance and wealth. - Delfin Knowledge System

Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. - Joyce Brothers

You know you can have, do or be anything you want through the power of thought. - Joe Vitale

Man is the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes. - Mahatma Gandhi

Life is a mirror of your consistent thoughts. - Napoleon Hill

Beware what you set your heart upon, for it surely shall be yours. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

What you think is what you are. what you pursue becomes your reality. - Babylon

The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination. - John Schaar

Day 18 & 19

These two days are filled with affirmations, reading You Own the Power: Stories And Exercises To Inspire And Unleash The Force Within, meditating and visualising the amount i want to win in my bank account,who i will tell about my win and what i will do the day i win.It is exciting stuff!
 To manifesting millions x

Day 17

I say my affirmations throughout the day.

I visualise the money in my bank account.

I listen to my meditation cd's.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Day 16


Do Your Words Spell Success?

What you say is what you get.

Published: November 21, 2010
Doreen VirtueDo Your Words Spell Success - Doreen Virtue


Positive messages bring prosperity.
I RECEIVE A LOT OF CALLS for help through my Websites, radio show, and workshops. Frequently, I’m asked for angelically based answers to help resolve stressful financial and career situations. Invariably, I find that people—because of their stress—are using negative words to describe their current situation. They’re often unaware that they’re using negative affirmations (such as “I’m broke”) or that these statements are ensuring that their stressful condition will continue.
A woman named Carolyn Purchase has owned a metaphysical store in Nova Scotia for five years. In the past, whenever anyone would ask her how business was, she’d always reply, “I’ll never be rich, but it pays its bills.” Carolyn said that phrase countless times before realizing its impact.
One day she was chatting with a close friend about how the store should be a gold mine, since it’s the only one in the region, with lots of customers and a great reputation. They wondered, then, why wasn’t the store doing better? Why was it only making enough for Carolyn to buy inventory and pay the bills?
Carolyn got her answer when a customer asked how the store’s business was doing. Just as she was about to give her standard, “I’ll never be rich . . .” reply, she had an epiphany and said instead, “Fantastic! This place is a gold mine!” She said it with such conviction that she believed every word.
That was a year ago, and whenever anyone asks, “How’s business?” Carolyn continues to say that it’s fantastic and the place is a gold mine. In the last year, her sales have increased 40 percent over where they were the previous one . . . and they just keep climbing! All that has changed are Carolyn’s words—from limiting ones to those with a positive energy vibration. Her words have made the gold mine.
The words that we say have a direct impact upon our finances, as Carolyn’s story illustrates. And a woman named Livia Maris Jepsen went through a similar transition. A few years ago, Livia wondered why her prayers were only answered with “just enough,” and never more. For instance, if she needed money to pay for something, she’d receive just the amount she required, and not a dime more. If she needed additional time to finish something, she’d get just enough time and complete things at the very last minute . . . and so on.
One day Livia visited a prosperous friend at the woman’s mother’s house. After serving her delicious meal, the mother asked, “Do you have enough?” and the friend answered, “Oh yes, Mom, I have plenty!” That was exactly what Livia needed to hear! She realized that she was always asking for and affirming “just enough.”
Livia says, “If you ask the angels for just enough, that’s exactly what you get. Try asking for ‘plenty’ and affirming ‘plenty’ and you’ll always get much better than what you expect.” Since changing her vocabulary, Livia is much more financially secure.
If asking for plenty of money creates discomfort, rest assured that you can use this extra cash for charitable contributions, helping your loved ones, and financing your Divine life purpose. Your increased flow allows you to give in even bigger ways!
Diana Mey is another woman who learned the power that words can have upon one’s finances. Most of her life, she would say, “I don’t have enough money for . . .” this or that. Diana’s continual negative affirmations ensured that she’d never be able to afford anything she wanted.
Then Diana started seeing the numbers 818 repeatedly—on clocks, on license plates, in telephone numbers, and on receipts. She finally found the reason in my book Angel Numbers 101, which lists the meaning behind repetitive number sequences. The book explained that 818 was an angelic message to stay positive about money, and suggested that people who see this number use this affirmation: “I am financially secure now, and I have a surplus of money to spare and share.”
Diana started saying this affirmation repeatedly, and today she is financially secure, with plenty to spare and share. She told me, “I now look at the world totally differently when it comes to money.”
Sometimes, a painful situation will wake us up to the role that our vocabulary is playing, as a woman named Caryn Connolly discovered. After she was laid off from her engineering job, she started telling people, “I am unemployed.” Caryn desperately searched for a new job, without success. Then she realized that by continually saying that she unemployed, she was creating that situation. So she stopped using that word, and shortly afterward, she was offered an engineering position that would pay all of her bills. Caryn says, “By changing the words I was using with myself and others, I was able to manifest abundance very quickly into my life.”
Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops.
Grant Virtue is a fifth-generation metaphysician, certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, and medium. He is focused on helping the new generations of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children, teenagers, and young adults.

Day 15

Hey, Come to Me!

How to attract what you desire.

Published: December 12, 2010
John HollandHey, Come to Me - John Holland


Your thoughts are more powerful than you think.
MOST PEOPLE DON’T REALIZE how powerful thoughts are and how each thought has its own unique energy signature, so it’s not hard to subscribe to the notion that: “You are what you think.” You’re a magnetic energy being – so that when you have a conscious thought – it’s immediately lodged in your magnetic field, which is more commonly known as your aura. When that thought remains in this field for any length of time, it often radiates out to be absorbed into the Universe.
It’s easy to imagine what’s likely to happen to someone who constantly fears certain things will occur in their life. They’re consciously thinking about it, dwelling on it, obsessing about it, feeding their precious energy into it. The net result is that they end up sending that stream of fear-based thought out into the Universe. It’s like they’re holding up a sign above their head with a giant arrow saying: “Hey, come to me!” So, it usually does. As a result, you’ll hear them say: “I knew this was going to happen!” It’s not rocket science to see that we attract what we think.
Recently I returned from a break in the UK and a week in sunny Spain. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to the 10-12 hour journey back home. The fact that I had to take two planes wasn’t helping my worrying about the connection, when I heard the first leg of my journey was delayed by over an hour. I decided right then I better change my thoughts at that moment. Even though the first flight took off over an hour late from England, when I got to New York I could feel the level of worry rising as the security check-in was taking a long time moving people through. I immediately put the thought in my head: “Everything will work out perfectly.” I repeated it over and over as I watched the minutes click by, and my boarding time on the next flight getting closer. I maintained the positive thought and relaxed. With a very long line still ahead, I held onto the thought that I was going to make the next flight as planned. Sure enough, another airline official took up a position at the security desk, waved to me, and opened up a new line. I was first to go through it.
I looked at my watch and knew that the next flight should be boarding as I ran through the huge airport halls looking for my gate. When I arrived at the gate breathless, I saw that my connecting flight was actually delayed by 15 minutes. So, in the end I had time to relax and get my breath back. Not only did I make the flight but also had the choice of where I wanted to sit since it was not a full flight. I thanked the Universe as I looked out the window and headed home. I did secretly wonder, had I focused on missing the connection, whether that extra security gate would have opened, and would that have meant I missed the connection?
I believe that holding onto the thought: “Everything will work perfectly” did actually help. We are such powerful magnetic beings that we don’t even realize it! You’ve heard the saying: like attracts like – well it’s really more about: frequency attracting the same frequency. Everything is made up of energy, which includes you and me. Since we’re energy, it’s highly probable that we will tune in to and attract the same frequency that we resonate. If you’re afraid – you’ll attract fear; if you’re kind – you’ll attract kindness; when you’re grateful – you’ll attract prosperity. As we think, we begin to feel; as we feel, we vibrate; when we vibrate, we start to attract. You’ll attract exactly what you’re resonating.
John Holland is an internationally renowned psychic medium and teacher who lectures, demonstrates, and reads for private clients; and who has spent more than 20 years developing his abilities.