Sunday, 23 January 2011

Thoughts are things

On my journey to winning multi-millions I have come up against lots of mind blocks to do with my past and my thinking. I have been working hard on these areas as I focus on my lotto win. Today, I watched Run fat boy run and he comes against a wall in his mind and he is immobilised and cannot go on. He sees the wall and looks at it. A brick falls out of the wall and he sees himself waving him to go through. He attempts twice to no avail and then he gets determined and takes a run up before smashing through the wall. I found it a useful image for when I hit the wall in my mind. Maybe, you can too.
Yesterday, I read Set Yourself Free by Shirley Smith which deals with co-dependency issues well it brought my vibration down, as I embarked on some of the activities and I have felt flat all day until I went to the spiritualist church (who said 'thoughts are thing's) and then came across a book about your brain. "Conscious repetition is when you tell yourself what you want over and over". So I decided instead of going over my past and attempting to rehash painful memories and experiences that I will clear as I need, when things come up and focus on what I want in my life which is to win multi-millions in the lotto. So I have been telling myself I won x amount in the lotto. I feel better. I also wrote I won x amount in the lotto, now what? I mean what do I do now and what do I differently now I have won? Do you know exactly what you will do when you have won on an intangible level? Food for thought.
To manifesting millions xx

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