Thursday, 20 January 2011


In the information I find relating to the law of attraction expresses gratitude as one of the main factors to getting all that you want in life. To be grateful for all the things that you have in your life and what you are thankful for grows in your life and you experience more of what you are grateful for which means you continue to get more of what you have currently in your life. But, I do not want more of what I am currently experiencing in life. In some areas, yes but, mostly the reason I am on this path is because I want more out of life. I want to life the best life I can imagine and I will not get there by being grateful for what I have now as that is all I will receive in life. I desire to have more in my life, to life my best life ever and I want to win multi-millions in the lotto to provide the lifestyle that I am creating in my mind with the expectation that I will live what I imagine in my reality. The plan is, from now on, I will be grateful for all the desires that I will be grateful for when they manifest in my reality.

My gratitude, 'my choice. Remember, we create what we think'- Sharon D Quirt

Here goes,

I am grateful that I won multi-millions in the lotto.
I am grateful that I am a winner.
I am grateful that I am a multi-million.
I am grateful that I live in abundance.
I am grateful that I can have, be and do all that I imagine.
I am grateful that I can provide abundantly for my son and give him wonderful experiences in life.
I am grateful I can give back to all the people that have helped me through life.
I am grateful that I have a thriving real estate portfolio. 
I am grateful that I can provide beautiful, affordable, safe and permanent houses for single mum's and their children.
I am grateful that I have all the resources to run a successful business.
I am grateful that I can self-publish my books.
I am grateful that I can buy all the self - development, metaphysical, leadership, spiritual, empowerment and other books/audios/programs that inspire me.
I am grateful I am going on the Louise L Hay You Can heal Your Life - I Can Do It! 2011 At Sea
Caribbean Cruise with Louise L Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette, Cheryl Richardson, Caoline Myss,  Doreen Virtue and others.I am grateful that I can meet Richard Branson on his island and have dinner and a photo taken with him.
I am grateful that I can attend Anthony Robbins conferences as a VIP -  meet him and have a photo taken with him.
I am grateful I that I can attend conferences events as a VIP and meet the people that have helped shape my mind, emotions and life, and get a photo taken with them.
I am grateful that I can study to be a life coach.
I am grateful that I can study for a degree in psychology.
I am grateful that I can travel the world.
I am grateful that I have beautiful clothes, shoes, bags, accessories and jewellery.
I am grateful that I have the latest tech items.
I am grateful I can take my friends out to lunch and /or dinner at the latest places, the theatre, a festival, a weekend away, travel interstate, wine tour, do fun activities like climb the Sydney harbour bridge, walk around Centerpoint tower, go skydiving, go bungy jumping, hire a limousine or a hummer for the night, buy beautiful gifts for my friends, stay in the best hotels and all the other memorable experiences I can think of!
I am grateful for peace of mind.
I am grateful freedom.
I am grateful for expansion.
I am grateful for a new level of positive and wondrous experiences in life.
I am grateful for prosperity.
I am grateful I grow and invest my money wisely to reach billionaire status.
I am grateful for beautiful homes, cars and furnishings.
I am grateful power.
I am grateful for responsibility.
I am grateful.

To manifesting millions xx

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