The five steps by Joe Vitale and put into practise by me;
* Know what you do not want;
- Not to win multi-millions in the lotto.
- Not to be a loser.
- Not to be a failure.
* Know what you do want;
- To win multi-millions in the lotto.
- To be successful.
- To be a winner.
* Get clear
- 'My intention is simple and clear. I desire' p.26 to be a winner, a multi-millionaire and successful.
'I focus on that objective, and erase all errant thoughts from my mind' p.26.
* Feel your intention already achieved;
- I imagine myself buying the ticket feeling confident, excited and full of love and anticipation and the whole process going smoothly.
- I imagine crossing off all the numbers, in a line, on my ticket.
- I imagine what I do when I realise I have won.
- I imagine the call form the lotteries commission and what I will say.
- I imagine who I will tell.
- I imagine the amount that I want to win in my bank account.
- I imagine what I will do with the money.
* Let Go
- I am finding this step the hardest, as I want it so much!
- I am also finding it hard to let go in my mind because i have to buy my ticket.
- I will work on letting it go in my mind after i buy my ticket.
I will let you know my results in February.
After you buy the book The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out
To manifesting millions xx
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