Wednesday, 4 August 2010

the learning journey continues

As I am working towards winning the lotto other areas I need to develop in order to be a multi-millionaire lotto winner are coming to the surface.

We need to be the person who is a multi-millionaire first (in mind and soul) before we receive the actual money, as it is within and so it is without – anon.

What I have been leaving and working on in order to win multi-millions in the lotto;


• Can I say No and stick to it?

This is a very important skill to have when you win the lotto, as many lotto winners who have won and lost it all, all claimed that they wished they had said no to all the people that came to them asking for money. Can you say no to people? Can you say No and mean it? Can you say no and stick to it no matter how persistent people are? If not, work on this skill while you are preparing yourself to win the lotto.

• Can I stand up for myself?

When you are a lotto winner there are many people who all have ideas about what to do with your money. Can you stand up for yourself when they are pushing you around to do what they think is best for you and your money or will you let them take away and spend it all leaving you nothing?


• Do I have clearly defined healthy boundaries?

When you win the lotto, you need to be very clear on who you are, what you will and won’t do with your money, who you will tell and who you will not tell, and to be firm with others about your limits and boundaries, especially now you have multi-millions that will last you your whole life.


• I have the right to win multimillions in the lotto

Do you believe that we have the right to ask for all we want and more in life and to have it?

Do you believe in your rights as an individual to have all that you want and more?


• Who are the people I surround myself? Are they for me or against me? Are they positive or negative? Are they life – enhancing or draining? Are they safe people or will they cause me harm if they knew I won multimillions in the lotto?

• Get clear on who the most important people in your life are and ask yourself the tough questions and make changes before you have won multi-millions in the lotto.

What I have been doing to prime my mind, heart and soul in order to win multi-millions in the lotto.

• Imagining winning the lotto surrounding what I will do with the money

• Writing out affirmations everyday

• Saying affirmations

• Writing out what I do with the money everyday

• Prime my mind with all the thing’s I will do with the money

• Write out daily the amount I won and what I will do with it

• Read through my dream book

I have won a few times and I feel excited that I will win the amount that I have requested the universe to provide.

I realized that I am persistent, that no matter what is going on in my life; I go for the lotto and write my book. From an abusive share accommodation situation which led to a nervous breakdown, losing my son in the city of Sydney, staying at a mental health unit, staying in a women’s shelter, going through the courts to bring my son home, seeing counselors and psychiatrist and then other share accommodation situations before finding and living in a safe, secure, stable, permanent boarding house – I still go for the lotto. It will happen. No matter what happens in my life – I will win multi-millions in the lotto. The lotto wants me as much as I want it!

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