Wednesday, 4 August 2010

2010 the journey continues

January is a busy month of researching, reading, listening and trying new, the same and different methods to winning the lotto. The list below is what I went through in January and is not in any order as my notes are in books, bits of paper, print outs and random places lol.

• My intention this year is to win the lotto at the right time.

• Listened to The Secret again and wrote down lots of notes. I am priming my mind for wealth and abundance and I feel very excited. Step 1: Ask (check), Step 2: Believe (working on) and Step 3: Receive (woohoo!! I did it! I won it!)

• I looked at clothes, cars, jewelry and other expensive items and said “I can afford that” and “I can buy that!” It feels amazing, such freedom of choice because I am no longer worried, concerned or restricted by the price on the items.

• According to The Secret all I have to do is to feel good now that is all I have to do because I will be vibrating at the level of what I want to have in my life. So that is what I am working on – feeling good now.

• Also, to act as if you have already received what you asked for is harder than it seems especially when you do not have the experience of having what you want in your life before. But, I will persist, imagine and lie to myself that I have won until I believe what I tell myself and then I will have in my reality what I dared to believe was possible in mind, as the battle is won and lost in your mind first. So my real job is to convince myself, on all levels of my being, that I have what I want.

• Rang up a lotto advertisement about how to increase my chances of winning the lotto but decide to save my money and not get the lotto numbers based on my astrology and numerology numbers and the spiral and anti spiral method by Bill Grey (

• Learning responsibility of money, money beliefs and money changes for 2010.

• What is my rationale for spending money and why I do not spend my money?

• Money choices – when to shout, when to go halves and when to let the other person shout you.

• Going out to places and not worrying about the entry costs.

• How much am I willing to give to myself financially?

• How much am I willing to give to my friends?

• Generosity to self is generosity to others.

• Wanting to help others by teaching them money principles but I have to do it myself first for myself.

• Rich people – what is their lifestyle? How do they live on a daily basis? How do they spend their money?

• I have worked out what I will do with my winnings and feel happy about my decisions.

• In process of working out what I will do with my yearly income and it is not as easy as I thought especially considering it considerably higher than I have ever had in my life!

• Watching Underbelly and these statements stood out to me “What is the use of money if you do not enjoy it?” and “keep an open mind”, and “tip people so you get great service next time”. All information assisting me on my journey to be a multimillionaire lotto winner.

• Money – take action and buy the ticket.

• Guilt issues have come up for me on the way to winning the lotto. Guilt about receiving what I want – why, I question myself – it is your life who gives a stuff about what everyone else thinks!

• Learning to say No and stick to it. Standing up for myself when people want cigarettes, money or other items by saying no and not feeling bad about it especially towards the people who use you and do not pay you back. Working out when I will say yes and when I will say no and why so I am clear when the situation arises.

• A lot of past lotto winners who had won and lost it all wished they had said no to many people and looked after themselves so if I want to be able to do when I have the money better prepare while I am in the process of having lots of money and therefore I am slowly becoming the person who can handle multi-millions in their life.

• Getting my head around the guilt (which I later found out is worth and deservingness issues) of having all this money and no-one else does, of having all that I want and no-one else is, that I won millions, that I have my own home brought with cash and others do not, looking after myself really well and others are not … getting use to be ok with having all that I want regardless of what others have or have not. Getting use to living my life on my terms and to stop worrying, comparing and thinking about what others have or have not or what they are doing or not doing.

• Learning that it is important to know your limits and to work out what you will give and what you will not give. Very important when you have lots of money.

• Decided that it is my life and I have had enough of feeling bad about going well in life and hiding my good in the world and decided that I am wonderful…

• Just heard “Imagination life is your creation” song line from Aqua Barbie Girl. So true.

• Had enough of not being able to do what I want to do in my life! Time for change – bring it on!

• Said to the universe “Show me the money!” and it did – 5cents lol.

• Lotto tonight and I am imagining all that I will do with the money when I win it and I feel anxious, nervous, giddy, panicked, stressed, rushing sensation, embarrassed, shamed and pleased about flashing my money around. Imagining how I will be with my friends and what my son would say when I saw him and tell I did! I won it! And feel overwhelmed with sadness. I do not think I will win it tonight too many lowered emotions ruling instead of the higher empowered emotions that one is meant to feel to attain their desires and I am definitely not acting like I won it or maybe I am … maybe all those emotions are what I would feel when I win it .. It is worth pondering about.

• The movie biker boys came on the television tonight and I decided to watch it and Lawrence Fishbourne’s character has laser-like focus on his goal, and it was interesting to gain a visual of what laser like focus look likes it is like a tunnel with your goal at the end and you block out everything else and move toward the goal.

• Reading Power within from Louise L Hay to deal with my worth and deservingness issues.

• Reading How to get from where you are to where you want to be by Jack Canfield.

• Reading Pat Mesiti - The $1 million reason to change your mind

• Listening to Jerry and Esther Hicks as well as reading their books (The art of Allowing)

• Watch Eckhart Tolle Awakening in the Now.

• Watch the Celestine Prophecy again.

• Listening to the secret in the background.

• I have won it (not in reality yet) how do I act, think, speak and what do I do?

• Right now it is on its way into my bank account – what do I do? How do I feel? And what do I think?

• Why do I want multi-millions? Lifestyle, freedom, education, achievement, beauty – surroundings/places/people, travel, holidays, exciting and happy life, peace of mind, independence, have what I want when I want it …

• I ask the universe to match up my numbers with the ones that are drawn and it is working each time I play lotto I have all the numbers but not in a vertical line – bugger!

• I say my affirmations everyday.

• I imagine what it is like to win.

• I tell myself I have won but I still do not 100% believe it yet.

• Re-read The power of your subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

• I play the Prosperity game where you sign up to receive cheques of money two times a week in your inbox and you must spend it as if it is real on the computer program – it is all free and it is a wonderful way to prime your mind for wealth, abundance and receiving free money.

• Researching all I can again on the Law of attraction and other laws of the universe.

• I write out everyday my affirmations and what I will spend the money on when I win

- 10% save, 10% give and 40% invest, 40% homes, income, real estate, all the things that I and my son have ever wanted, travel and education.

- I also write a to- do list for when I win – very exciting!

• From the Secret ‘You become what you think about and anything that you focus on you do create in your life and what you focus on is what you will get’ … so I need to have concentrated energy in order to stay focused on my goal of winning multi-millions in the lotto and maintain the attitude and believe with all that I am that I won rather than get caught up in the details of how I will win just focus on the bigger picture that I have won and work from there. It is worth a try as the day to day going on’s seemed to be bigger then my goal of winning the lotto. The daily stressors of money, bills not having enough and running out of money and having to rely on charity for assistance seem to zoom larger in my mind then not worrying and just focusing on what I will do with my lotto winnings and being in that place of abundance than lack… and I must stop getting overly involved in other peoples lives and leave them be and focus on my own life and goals. I may get further with this method. I also talk a lot about winning the lotto and what I will do with it and I get so excited and passionate about that others are now buying lotto tickets and it is as if I want them to win so I can win. What do you think about that>? Is that worth issues or deservingness issues or do I just want everyone to win it and be instant multi-millionaires too with me ..

• I listen to Dolf De Roos Wealth Magnet and he asks great question surrounding wealth and what you think about it, and he talks about what the rich have;

- The rich have integrity

- The rich invest in real estate

- Subconscious mind

- Mindset

- Passive income

- Making good decisions quickly

- Money gives you choices

- Attitude

- You create what happens to you

- You are the creator of your environment

- Have a clear vision of where you are going

- How to attract wealth rather than repel it

- Who do you have to become in order to live the life that you want to live

- Know what you want

- Build good relationships

- Your mind creates your world

- Calm mind

- Lifestyle of the wealthy

- Entrepreneur

- Leadership skills

- Deal with change and ambiguity

- The rich invest in the Stock market

- Good debt/ bad debt

- You are what you read

- Bigger picture focus

- Big thinkers

- Create what you want in your life

This audio cd set is definitely worth listening too.


Thinking and acting like I have won the lotto. Now how to use my wealth wisely? I attend wealth creation seminars and fill my mind with lots of wealth creation strategies for when the money is available for me.

• Property investment course information session at tafe

• Investing secrets Dymphna Boholt at the Hilton

• Wea 4 week course Introduction to the share market

• 21st Century education for life 4 day seminar at Grand Chancellor Hotel

- Psychology of wealth and success by Craig Jervis including breaking through the barriers to success by breaking a piece of wood with our hands – very liberating, empowering and freeing.

- Mindset techniques by Paul Davies

- Property

- Shares

• Think & Grow Rich two day seminar by Stuart Zedel

- Business

- Internet

- Shares

- Property

- Mindset


• Wea 2 day course Introduction to Nero linguistic programming (nlp) delivered by Sol Results Stan Kontos

• Creating Wealth 2 hour seminar

• Wea one day seminar Wealth secrets of the rich by Sol Results Stan Kontos

• Buy lotto tickets but no win.


• I am a money magnet

• I am a magnet to money MA Blood

Brought subliminal mp3s;

• Winning the lottery

• Attract money

• Millionaire mindset

• Joe Vitales Clearing for money

I listen to these all day and while I am sleeping.


Wayne Dyer You will see it when you believe it

Sasha Xarrian Outrageous Mastery


Decided to focus on winning the lotto as my only goal and decide to win the lotto. It is meant to be very powerful when you decide to do something and when the decision has been made on a deep level within yourself that is when the whole universe conspires to help you to get what you want.


Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill) by Stuart Zedel


Watching U tube Mind Movies of winning the lotto, having a millionaire mindset and being a money magnet

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