Law of The Subconscious Mind
The #1 law of the mind that governs your health, wealth and happiness The universe is governed by law. Success is governed by law. Your subconscious mind is also governed by law.The law of your subconscious mind is the law of belief.Many self-help books and motivational gurus talk about the power of belief. The general message they are trying to put across is basically what Napoleon Hill had said, "What your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve".Is it true that everything your mind believes can achieved or it is just some kind of motivational lie? This was the question I asked myself after reading several self-help books and attending several success seminars. I also asked questions like "what if I happen to be the unlucky one" or "what if I'm not destined to be successful".My concept of belief changed when I read the book Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale. You will get a free copy of this book when you sign up for my newsletter.Strictly speaking, the statement "what your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" should be "what your conscious mind can conceive and your subconscious mind believes, it can achieve". That's your subconscious mind power.Here is the reason why.Your subconscious mind power is like a magnet. It attracts things that resonate with its beliefs. To put it bluntly, if you have a certain belief in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will vibrate based on this belief and attract events and people that resonate with or correspond to this belief. This is the Universal Law of Vibration and Attraction. It is a law that exists whether you believe it or not, just like the law of gravity. Let me repeat. This law works on you whether you believe it or not!If your subconscious mind believes that life is tough, surely, your life will be tough. You will meet people and events that give you hard life. If your subconscious mind believes that money is hard-earned, money will be hard earned. You will only be attracted to opportunities that will take a super-human effort to make a penny! Let me twist the words around and repeat the previous paragraph. If your life is tough now, that's because your subconscious believes that life is tough. If you are finding difficulties in making money, that's because your subconscious believes that money is hard earn. There is no other reason and there is no need to blame other people for your tough life or your financial situation!The message I'm trying to put across here is this:"Your subconscious beliefs create your realities"The above statement is probably the most important statement that one must fully and thoroughly understand in order to achieve true success in life.--------------------------------------------------------------"Money is usually attracted, not pursued."Jim Rohn--------------------------------------------------------------We use our conscious mind power to conceive an idea, but our subconscious mind power to attract the result. Most people do it otherwise. They use their conscious mind topursue the result, which often result in stress and worries. That's the difference between using your conscious mind power and your subconscious mind power.Here is a good analogy of what your subconscious mind is like. Your subconscious mind is like the hard disk in a computer, and what your see on the computer screen is your reality or your life.Ask yourself, where does the information on the computer screen come from? It must come from the hard disk, isn't it? If the computer screen is showing your reality, then where does your reality come from? From the above analogy, it must come from your subconscious.What it means here is your reality or the life you are experiencing now is actually a reflection of the beliefs in your subconscious mind. Many people change from one job to another, but realize that they are still getting the same problem everywhere they go. What they don't understand is that instead of changing the external circumstances, they should change their inner beliefs. Once their beliefs change, they will be attracted to new people, new jobs and the world around them will change according to the new beliefs in their subconscious mind.When I told the participants of my workshop that your beliefs create your realities, a common negative response I got was "I never believe in the kind of reality I'm facing, but why am I still experiencing them?"We must understand that it is not what you think you believe that creates your reality. It is what your subconscious believes. You may think you believe that life is abundant, just because you've read some books about it. But subconsciously, you may not be convinced.So how do you know what your subconscious believes?The answer is fairly simple. Just look at your reality!Your reality is the mirror of your life. It reflects your inner beliefs. If you consistently use your reality to guide yourself in reprogramming the beliefs in your subconscious mind, I guarantee your life will never be the same again.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
I have been struggling with the fear that accompanies stepping into the unknown. The fear of being powerful to create and manifest a multi-million dollar lotto win. The fear of being responsible for my life and to have my life the way I want to live it - the lotto lifestyle. The fear of having everything work out the way I want it to work out. The fear of being bigger within then I have never dared to believe I could be before.The fear of being successful. The fear of being a winner. The fear of Freedom - of having, being and doing all I want in life with no limits, no barriers, no limitations, no restrictions, no irrational fears, no dependence upon others and no
As Susan Jeffers says " Feel the Fear and do it anyway".
I have asked what can I learn from my fear as fear is only in my mind and fear is only fear itself, and fear is because you do not have the experience yet or have knowledge of what you want. When you do understand what your fear means and why it has shown up in your life, and when you step through the fear you find it simply disappears.
The ways I have combated the fears of change is to imagine what my life will be like when I have won multi-millions in the lotto. I have imagined how I will be with multi-millions, how I will interact with others, how I will spend my days, how I will spend my money, how I will create more prosperity in my life. It is an inner job because when you do your work on the inner level it manifests as your reality, and as the saying goes as you think it so it will be.
Another way is to have a plan. A plan of what you will do with your money. A plan for how you will live the lotto lifestyle. A plan for the new story of your life. A clear, concise and powerful plan of your whole new life.
These exercises are important on your journey to winning multi-millions as it primes your subconscious with the pictures and experiences you want to experience in your life and when you believe that you are a multi-millionaire lotto winner, consciously your subconscious mind brings it into your life.
To manifesting millions xxx
Friday, 4 February 2011
Law of The Subconscious Mind
The #1 law of the mind that governs your health, wealth and happiness.
The universe is governed by law. Success is governed by law. Your subconscious mind is also governed by law.
The law of your subconscious mind is the law of belief.
Many self-help books and motivational gurus talk about the power of belief. The general message they are trying to put across is basically what Napoleon Hill had said, "What your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve".
Is it true that everything your mind believes can achieved or it is just some kind of motivational lie? This was the question I asked myself after reading several self-help books and attending several success seminars. I also asked questions like "what if I happen to be the unlucky one" or "what if I'm not destined to be successful".
My concept of belief changed when I read the book Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale. You will get a free copy of this book when you sign up for my newsletter.
Strictly speaking, the statement "what your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" should be "what your conscious mind can conceive and your subconscious mind believes, it can achieve". That's your subconscious mind power.
Here is the reason why.
Your subconscious mind power is like a magnet. It attracts things that resonate with its beliefs. To put it bluntly, if you have a certain belief in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will vibrate based on this belief and attract events and people that resonate with or correspond to this belief. This is the Universal Law of Vibration and Attraction. It is a law that exists whether you believe it or not, just like the law of gravity. Let me repeat. This law works on you whether you believe it or not!
If your subconscious mind believes that life is tough, surely, your life will be tough. You will meet people and events that give you hard life. If your subconscious mind believes that money is hard-earned, money will be hard earned. You will only be attracted to opportunities that will take a super-human effort to make a penny!
Let me twist the words around and repeat the previous paragraph. If your life is tough now, that's because your subconscious believes that life is tough. If you are finding difficulties in making money, that's because your subconscious believes that money is hard earn. There is no other reason and there is no need to blame other people for your tough life or your financial situation!
The message I'm trying to put across here is this:
"Your subconscious beliefs create your realities"
The above statement is probably the most important statement that one must fully and thoroughly understand in order to achieve true success in life.
"Money is usually attracted, not pursued."
Jim Rohn
We use our conscious mind power to conceive an idea, but our subconscious mind power to attract the result. Most people do it otherwise. They use their conscious mind topursue the result, which often result in stress and worries. That's the difference between using your conscious mind power and your subconscious mind power.
Here is a good analogy of what your subconscious mind is like. Your subconscious mind is like the hard disk in a computer, and what your see on the computer screen is your reality or your life.
Ask yourself, where does the information on the computer screen come from? It must come from the hard disk, isn't it? If the computer screen is showing your reality, then where does your reality come from? From the above analogy, it must come from your subconscious.
What it means here is your reality or the life you are experiencing now is actually a reflection of the beliefs in your subconscious mind. Many people change from one job to another, but realize that they are still getting the same problem everywhere they go. What they don't understand is that instead of changing the external circumstances, they should change their inner beliefs. Once their beliefs change, they will be attracted to new people, new jobs and the world around them will change according to the new beliefs in their subconscious mind.
When I told the participants of my workshop that your beliefs create your realities, a common negative response I got was "I never believe in the kind of reality I'm facing, but why am I still experiencing them?"
We must understand that it is not what you think you believe that creates your reality. It is what your subconscious believes. You may think you believe that life is abundant, just because you've read some books about it. But subconsciously, you may not be convinced.
So how do you know what your subconscious believes?
The answer is fairly simple. Just look at your reality!
Your reality is the mirror of your life. It reflects your inner beliefs. If you consistently use your reality to guide yourself in reprogramming the beliefs in your subconscious mind, I guarantee your life will never be the same again.
Quotes to help us manifest multi-millions
The mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts. - Earl Nightingale
All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord. - Earl Nightingale
It is a psychological law that whatever we desire to accomplish we must impress
upon the subjective or subconscious mind. - Orison Swett Marden
We cannot see things that stare us in the face until the hour comes that the mind is ripened. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord. - Earl Nightingale
It is a psychological law that whatever we desire to accomplish we must impress
upon the subjective or subconscious mind. - Orison Swett Marden
We cannot see things that stare us in the face until the hour comes that the mind is ripened. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, 3 February 2011
21 Characteristics Of A Millionaire Mindset
Your thoughts and the way you think attracts everything in your life including success. The most successful people of all time were interviewed to detemrine what it was that made them wealthy and these are the 21 charecterisitics of a millionaire mindset.
1. Have A Big Reason Why
Without a big reason why YOU are ROADKILL! There has to be something inside of you that continues to drive you everyday powerful enough to overcome all the distractions of life.
2. Pick A Few Personal Targets That Really Motivate You
A target is defined as a definite major purpose. Choose a few targets then focus on them throughout the day.
By doing so you will always have a target to hit. Without having a target is no different then a ship not having a course or even a map to see where they're going.
3. Have A Work Hard Mentality
Nothing truly great has ever been accomplished without hard work. Not until your willing to give it 100% will you ever see success.
4. Have An Action Mindset
Henry Ford is a great example of having a action mindset. Look what he accomplished? Action is the KEY ingredient to wealth and abundance and also what separates the rich from the poor.
5. Don't Just Take Action, Take Massive F.O.C.U.S. 'ed Action
Personal finance best selling author Robert Kiyosaki uses the acronym F.ollow C.ourse U.ntill S.uccessful.
Let's face it, life absorbs time away from us & it's so easy to get side tracked and that's why it's so important to stick to one path and channel all your energy with laser focus until successful. Only then should you take on another course.
6. Activity Is What Create Results, Not Positive Thinking
As great as positive thinking is to keep with positive emotion, without activity you cannot succeed. That's why positive thinking alone without action of activity is dead.
7. Have A Long-Term Perspective
The majority of people who set out for success fail because people simply quit on themselves.
Look, becoming a millionaire is not something that's going to be easy or happen overnight. It requires having a long term perspective. You must be willing to be in it for the long haul.
8. You Must Really Like Your Product Or Service
If you can't become passionate about your business how can you expect success out of it?
Find something you truly enjoy. If you hate selling health products but you love traveling, then choose a product or service in the travel industry so you can enjoy it.
9. Your Business Will Become How You Treat It
If you treat your business like a hobby then it's going to pay you like a hobby. On the other hand treat your business like a multi million dollar business and it will pay as accordingly.
10. Do Not Be Afraid Of Failure, Embrace It
Baseball LEGAND and hall of famer "Babe Ruth" was the home run king for decades and you know what?...
He also was notorious for striking out. It is through failing over and over again that makes you successful. Don't ever be afraid of failure but welcome it. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.
11. Own Reality- Most People Will Not Buy Or Consume What You Offer
Get this through your head right now because the sooner you understand this the better.
Reality is most people will never buy or consume what you offer, I don't care how AMAZING it is. The truth is most people just aren't looking to buy from you.
12. Be Teachable
"When your green your growing, when your ripe your rotten." A major part of having a millionaire mindset has to do with always being teachable.
Success is a journey and not a destination, don't ever think you know it all or you will rot from within.
13. Keep Your Pipeline Full At All Times
Without customers or prospects you cannot grow your business hence the reason why your pipeline must be filled at all times if your looking to experience momentum.
14. Ask, What Would It Take To Be The Best ______?" and "What One Thing Can I Do Today To Massively Build My Business?"
This is a very powerful technique you can apply everyday. I challenge you to stick to it for at least 1 solid month and I promise you once you hold yourself accountable to your commitment you will see success.
15. The Phone Is Your Best Friend
The poor allow fear to control their minds so naturally they become scared to call prospects or talk to certain people.
A Millionaire mindset has to overcome this fear and replace it with faith as the phone is one of the most effective tools to growing any business.
16. Don't Talk People Into What You Have
True marketers don't have to convince people to join their deal or become their customer.
A good marketer simply supplies a demand to the marketplace no different then the way Coca-Cola or McDonalds. Only BAD salesmen waste time trying to convince people.
17. Start Where You Are At Right Now
Most people wait for the perfect time to become successful and guess what folks? That time does not exist, the perfect time is none other than right NOW.
18. Be Honest And Avoid All Opportunities Based On Greed
If your business or opportunity isn't based upon integrity and honesty then run the other way as fast as YOU can. All things based upon greed will not be around for long so don't get caught up in it."
19. Have A Prospecting Mindset
Millionaires become millionaires because they always have their business hats on. A good marketer see's the world from a totally different perspective and uses that to his advantage.
Opportunity is all around us, everywhere that's why it is so important to always have a prospecting mindset.
20. Look To Infinite Intelligence For Help
Ask and you shall receive, this statement couldn't be any further from the truth. I don't care if it's God, Buddha, The Dao, Energy, or Universal Intelligence, call it what you want but fact is just ask and have faith in receiving and you will always get what you ask for.
21. As You Have Success, Be Grateful And Publicly Express That Gratitude
It is vitally important to always have an attitude of gratitude. Even before your successful this holds true and it isn't until your in a grateful state of mind that you can grow and become successful.
A special technique to remember is to always remind yourself what it is you have to be grateful for and express to others the same.
1. Have A Big Reason Why
Without a big reason why YOU are ROADKILL! There has to be something inside of you that continues to drive you everyday powerful enough to overcome all the distractions of life.
2. Pick A Few Personal Targets That Really Motivate You
A target is defined as a definite major purpose. Choose a few targets then focus on them throughout the day.
By doing so you will always have a target to hit. Without having a target is no different then a ship not having a course or even a map to see where they're going.
3. Have A Work Hard Mentality
Nothing truly great has ever been accomplished without hard work. Not until your willing to give it 100% will you ever see success.
4. Have An Action Mindset
Henry Ford is a great example of having a action mindset. Look what he accomplished? Action is the KEY ingredient to wealth and abundance and also what separates the rich from the poor.
5. Don't Just Take Action, Take Massive F.O.C.U.S. 'ed Action
Personal finance best selling author Robert Kiyosaki uses the acronym F.ollow C.ourse U.ntill S.uccessful.
Let's face it, life absorbs time away from us & it's so easy to get side tracked and that's why it's so important to stick to one path and channel all your energy with laser focus until successful. Only then should you take on another course.
6. Activity Is What Create Results, Not Positive Thinking
As great as positive thinking is to keep with positive emotion, without activity you cannot succeed. That's why positive thinking alone without action of activity is dead.
7. Have A Long-Term Perspective
The majority of people who set out for success fail because people simply quit on themselves.
Look, becoming a millionaire is not something that's going to be easy or happen overnight. It requires having a long term perspective. You must be willing to be in it for the long haul.
8. You Must Really Like Your Product Or Service
If you can't become passionate about your business how can you expect success out of it?
Find something you truly enjoy. If you hate selling health products but you love traveling, then choose a product or service in the travel industry so you can enjoy it.
9. Your Business Will Become How You Treat It
If you treat your business like a hobby then it's going to pay you like a hobby. On the other hand treat your business like a multi million dollar business and it will pay as accordingly.
10. Do Not Be Afraid Of Failure, Embrace It
Baseball LEGAND and hall of famer "Babe Ruth" was the home run king for decades and you know what?...
He also was notorious for striking out. It is through failing over and over again that makes you successful. Don't ever be afraid of failure but welcome it. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.
11. Own Reality- Most People Will Not Buy Or Consume What You Offer
Get this through your head right now because the sooner you understand this the better.
Reality is most people will never buy or consume what you offer, I don't care how AMAZING it is. The truth is most people just aren't looking to buy from you.
12. Be Teachable
"When your green your growing, when your ripe your rotten." A major part of having a millionaire mindset has to do with always being teachable.
Success is a journey and not a destination, don't ever think you know it all or you will rot from within.
13. Keep Your Pipeline Full At All Times
Without customers or prospects you cannot grow your business hence the reason why your pipeline must be filled at all times if your looking to experience momentum.
14. Ask, What Would It Take To Be The Best ______?" and "What One Thing Can I Do Today To Massively Build My Business?"
This is a very powerful technique you can apply everyday. I challenge you to stick to it for at least 1 solid month and I promise you once you hold yourself accountable to your commitment you will see success.
15. The Phone Is Your Best Friend
The poor allow fear to control their minds so naturally they become scared to call prospects or talk to certain people.
A Millionaire mindset has to overcome this fear and replace it with faith as the phone is one of the most effective tools to growing any business.
16. Don't Talk People Into What You Have
True marketers don't have to convince people to join their deal or become their customer.
A good marketer simply supplies a demand to the marketplace no different then the way Coca-Cola or McDonalds. Only BAD salesmen waste time trying to convince people.
17. Start Where You Are At Right Now
Most people wait for the perfect time to become successful and guess what folks? That time does not exist, the perfect time is none other than right NOW.
18. Be Honest And Avoid All Opportunities Based On Greed
If your business or opportunity isn't based upon integrity and honesty then run the other way as fast as YOU can. All things based upon greed will not be around for long so don't get caught up in it."
19. Have A Prospecting Mindset
Millionaires become millionaires because they always have their business hats on. A good marketer see's the world from a totally different perspective and uses that to his advantage.
Opportunity is all around us, everywhere that's why it is so important to always have a prospecting mindset.
20. Look To Infinite Intelligence For Help
Ask and you shall receive, this statement couldn't be any further from the truth. I don't care if it's God, Buddha, The Dao, Energy, or Universal Intelligence, call it what you want but fact is just ask and have faith in receiving and you will always get what you ask for.
21. As You Have Success, Be Grateful And Publicly Express That Gratitude
It is vitally important to always have an attitude of gratitude. Even before your successful this holds true and it isn't until your in a grateful state of mind that you can grow and become successful.
A special technique to remember is to always remind yourself what it is you have to be grateful for and express to others the same.
(ArticlesBase SC #441938)
Justin Verrengia - About the Author:
Learn how Justin Verrengia & his inner circle are helping thousands of people put $5,000, $10,000 into their pockets every week. visit: Funnel Of Wealth
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4 Tips For Starting a Lotto Winner Mindset By Victorya Gold
When it becomes desirable to disrupt an established habit, there are a number of practical points to be kept in mind. There should be a decision as to what new habit is to replace the old one. The new habit should be given frequent repetition. The old habit should be neglected as much as possible. A strong set of motives should be lined up on the side of the new habit. There should be a few, if any, exceptions to the new way of acting. And, finally, the reformation should be started without delay.
I observed that lotto losers have a specific mental state of avoiding failure and a bad habit of buying again a lotto ticket next week, although they know that will lose again. Ironically, people that lose at lotto always or almost always develop a tendency to focus on proving and justifying that they have been putting the saddle in the right horse. They avoid challenges because failing on these, it will cause them to lose also their realistic and intelligent appearance.
Change of mental attitude is possible and always in your control. If you want to capture the lotto winner position, you need to be freed from such inclination of mind. Losing permanently at lotto is not a good option. Changing the way of thinking and making room in your life for the better circumstances, is possible and up to you. Here are four important tips to help you in the case you want to get that dreamed position.
1- Choose better thoughts. Think only thoughts of great amount of money. Use words like prosperity, plenty, satisfaction. Avoid words as absence, need, deprivation and bankruptcy.
2- Take baby steps. Day after day you will make smaller changes that inevitably lead you in the direction you want to go.
3- Take serious action. You need to learn how your lotto system works. You need to work on previous draws of your lotto system. You need to gain information and knowledge on daily basis.
4- Sleep reprogramming your subconscious mind. This is a powerful technique that will speed your lotto profit. Present your desire to subconscious mind before you get asleep, in the form of a clear but strong statement that is correctly for you. For example:"I open now my mind for money from lottery". Repeat a few times this statement and visualize it and experience the feeling of safety, without any doubt. Do this exercise during 10 days and you will see how the universe will take care of you soon.
Victorya Gold, lotto expert, has an unique and invaluable knowledge in the lotto field. Over three decades, she works with people that really want to discover the winning lotto numbers before they will be drawn. She brought an important contribution to scientific research in lotto field, being author of numerous professional articles. January 2010, she opens the first and unique training online that instantly forces you to win the lottery. Grab now this opportunity. Contact her at She still takes time out to offer free consultation. Visit Article Source: |
I have been getting into the habit of meditating and looking within for the answers to win multi-millions in the lotto.
I have been saying I am a x amount lotto winner over and over again.
I have been visualising what I will do with the money.
I have asked Angels and spirit world for help to win the lotto.
I have prayed that I will win multi-millions in the lotto.
I have wished on the new moon that I win multi-millions in the lotto.
All this is great but I do not believe it or have complete faith that I have won multi-millions in my mind and heart.
This is the area I will work on before the next big draw on Feb 12 2011. OMG! Those numbers equal 7 nd 7 has been coming up for me lately maybe that is the sign I have been looking for, and it is always the picture of my screensaver on my computer. Ah, all the pieces are fitting together - woohoo!! That realisation changes everything.
I have been reading Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life
by Wayne Dyer and he says to say what you want over and over again. To hold the imagine of what you want in your mind and it will come to pass. he speaks of many things that are suited to the new way I want to live my life and to win multi-millions in the lotto. Now, to pay the price now by getting crystal clear on exactly where my money will go (especially as I want to turn my winnings into billions. Yes, my ultimate goal is to be a billionaire before the age of 40. I have 5 years and 2 months to reach that goal.), creating a system that works and is easy for others to learn how to win the lotto and creating a money tracker for my multi-millions.
To manifesting multi-millions xx
I have been saying I am a x amount lotto winner over and over again.
I have been visualising what I will do with the money.
I have asked Angels and spirit world for help to win the lotto.
I have prayed that I will win multi-millions in the lotto.
I have wished on the new moon that I win multi-millions in the lotto.
All this is great but I do not believe it or have complete faith that I have won multi-millions in my mind and heart.
This is the area I will work on before the next big draw on Feb 12 2011. OMG! Those numbers equal 7 nd 7 has been coming up for me lately maybe that is the sign I have been looking for, and it is always the picture of my screensaver on my computer. Ah, all the pieces are fitting together - woohoo!! That realisation changes everything.
I have been reading Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life
To manifesting multi-millions xx
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